CEREALS Seeds of cultivated grass used in means of cooking or meals is called cereals. Examples: wheat, Maize, rice, millets- pearl millet, barnyard millet, quinoa, buckwheat etc. WHEATGRAIN Botanical name - Triticum It is composed of three parts namely- bran, endosperm and germ. The fourth layer of the germ (there are six layers of germ) is called ‘Testa’ which is responsible for giving the colour to the wheat grain and sixth layer consists of ‘Aleuron’ cells, which contain the enzyme ‘Protease’ which has a softening action on the insoluble protein in the flour. The endosperm is the major component of the wheat grain and comprises of or consists of flour. The germ needs to be removed while extracting the flour from the wheat as the germ oil hinders the keeping quality of the flour. Wheat may be classified ...