SANDWICHES A sandwich may be many different things to different people – it can be a delicious bit of nonsense, that makes you ask for more! It can be prim and proper and just a bit stodgy – or staunch and hearty – or it might just be an empty promise!!!! It is difficult to actually pin point when the sandwich actually appeared as a form of food presentation. We do know that the concept of wrapping bread around a filling for portability is ancient. It parallels the invention of bread. The sandwich involves bread in one way or the other. There is a universal chain of food items worldwide which all have a connection of a filling enclosed in a starchy casing. In China there is the Spring roll or the Egg roll; in Italy there is the Calzone; in Mexico, the Burrito; in Spain, the Empanada, Greece has the Pita and we have the Vada Pao! Field workers in France have long had the custom of eating meat enclosed in two slices of bread. In southern France, it is customary to provide thos...