
Showing posts from February, 2021


  SANDWICHES A sandwich may be many different things to different people – it can be a delicious bit of nonsense, that makes you ask for more! It can be prim and proper and just a bit stodgy – or staunch and hearty – or it might just be an empty promise!!!! It is difficult to actually pin point when the sandwich actually appeared as a form of food presentation. We do know that the concept of wrapping bread around a filling for portability is ancient. It parallels the invention of bread. The sandwich involves bread in one way or the other. There is a universal chain of food items worldwide which all have a connection of a filling enclosed in a starchy casing. In China there is the Spring roll or the Egg roll; in Italy there is the Calzone; in Mexico, the Burrito; in Spain, the Empanada, Greece has the Pita and we have the Vada Pao! Field workers in France have long had the custom of eating meat enclosed in two slices of bread. In southern France, it is customary to provide thos...


  A salad is a food served with a dressing, the food can be a cold dish, or green vegetables or mixture of fruit, or hot mixture of Piquant foods, or frozen mixture of fruit, or chopped foods in aspic, coleslaw.   The difference between hors d’oeuvre and salad is that the hors d’oeuvre is an important course and it is always the first course .It is served in small quantities and is a light, appetizing, colourful and stimulating dish. Hors d’oeuvre is not served as any other course, salad can be served as the first course in small quantities. It can also be served as a salad course or as an accompaniment with roast or entrĂ©e Course.   Salads should be cold, crisp, Piquant, colourful, well seasoned and attractive. They supply nutrients to the dish, especially when they are made of fresh fruit and vegetables.   Salads are of two types : Plain or simple salads and compound or composite salads.   Simple Salads : These can be subdivided into green salad or salad...


  VEGETABLE AND FRUIT COOKERY Vegetable: Vegetables refers to all plants or parts of plants which can be eaten raw, cooked or preserved in some form. Vegetable are of great important in our diet and especially with regard to the present trend when the people are shifting towards the vegetarian side. These play a very important role in our diet properly choose, properly cooked or raw. They make an invaluable contribution towards the supply of vitamins and minerals. Whenever possible, we should serve two vegetable in our diet also salads should be given the importance and hence must be made in both the meals. Generally vegetables have high water content, which ranges from 70-90%. The various components of vegetables are: 1. Carbohydrates: carbohydrates are present in the form of starch, sugar, cellulose & pectin substances. Starch is the chief nutrients of roots & tubers & the content of sugar is highest in beetroot, carrots & turnips. Cellulose is a source of r...