cuts of beef, mutton and pork

Scrag End: Slow cooked casseroles
Shoulder: Roasting joints and diced in casseroles
Best End: Roasting joints, rack of lamb or chops (grilled or bar-b-que)
Loin: Roasting joints or chops (grilled or bar-b-que)
Breast: Slow cooked roasting joint
Chump: Chops (grilled or bar-b-que)
Leg: Roasting joints and leg steaks

Neck and Clod: Mince and stewing steak
Chuck and Blade: Slow roasting joints, braising and casseroles
Chuck: Slow roasting joints, braising, casseroles and pasties
Fore Rib: Roasting joints and where Ribeye steak comes from
Thin Rib: Slow cooked roasting joint
Brisket: Slow cooked roasting joint
Shin: Slow cooked stews and mince
Sirloin: Roasting joints and steak
Flank: Mince and skirt for pasties
Rump: Steak
Silverside: Roasting joints
Topside: Roasting joints
Thick Flank: Roasting joints
Leg: Slow cooked stews

Head: Used to make brawn and hogs pudding
Shoulder: Roasting joints, shoulder steaks, diced for casseroles, spare
ribs and used in sausages
Blade: Roasting joints
Hand: Roasting joints and used in sausages
Loin: Roasting joints and chops
Belly: Roasting joints, slices (grilled or baked) and used in sausages
Leg: Roasting joints
Hock: Slow cooked boiling joint
Trotter: Slow cooked boiling joint
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